AMET Co., Ltd. (“We”) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy (together with our terms of use and any other documents referred to on it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

The protection of your personal information is very important to us, below we would like to inform you in detail about how we deal with them. Of course, all statutory provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and of other regulations related to data protection are observed.


Purpose A: recording the number of website visits based on the IP address to evaluate the number of visitors and viewed pages

Purpose B: Recording the system events based on the IP address for troubleshooting

Purpose C: Phone no. and other details on request –for the purpose of requesting a product presentation or to send an inquiry about a purchase order/an order, as agreed by the visitor

Purpose D: Title, name, given name, address, email, phone – fax and mobile no. on request, as well as consent to newsletter subscription – for the purpose of registering new customers

Purpose E: Google Analytics is used to analyse how a visitor uses the website. To do so, Google records customer data about technical characteristics and activities of the visitors of the website, via page views. These customer data are evaluated by a processing software to create reports that can contain information about the duration of the visit, approximate geographical origin, origin of visitor traffic, exit pages and visitor flows.

Purpose F: Google Maps provides access to maps to help find and visualise our location.

Purpose G: Youtube provides videos to visualise content. These are embedded via iframe.

Purpose H: Newsletter subscription and sending serve the purpose of generating orders and providing information about our company and our products and services.

Purpose I: Initiation and settlement of a purchase agreement


Data for the purposes A, B, E, F are processed on the basis of legitimate interests according to Art. 6 (1) (f) EU GDPR.

Data for the purposes C, D are processed on the basis of the voluntary consent of the person affected according to Art. 6 (1) (a) EU GDPR.

Data for the purpose I are processed on the basis of fulfilling an agreement according to Art. 6 (1) (b) EU GDPR.



On purpose A: The website is used to gain new customers and to transfer information to prospective buyers. In order to be able to measure the effectiveness of this website and to improve the website on the basis of these data, the data mentioned in purpose A are collected.

On purpose B: To be able to guarantee the technical availability of the website permanently, system events are saved and evaluated. To be able to recognize and prevent events effected on purpose, all events are saved along with the IP addresses.

On purpose E: The website is used to gain new contractual partners and to transfer information to prospective contractual partners. For this purpose, it is important to adapt the website to the visitor’s requirements as much as possible and to ensure maximum reach. In order to be able to measure the effectiveness of these measures, the data are collected.

On purpose F: To be able to provide you with a map service and to avoid having to operate an uneconomical website, we allow you access to the free map of Google Maps.


Godaddy may always access the data for hosting, operation or for further development of this website.

Moreover, the data will be forwarded to the following parties:

Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA


Purpose A: 12 months

Purpose B: 6 months

Purpose C: 6 months

Purpose D: permanently or until you unsubscribe

Purpose E: 14 months

Purpose F: 12 months

Purpose G: 12 months


As a person affected by data processing, you have the following rights at no charge:

  1. a) You can revoke your voluntary consent at any time (right of revocation).
  2. b) You can always request an overview of all data about you we have recorded (right of access).
  3. c) You can always request deletion of data which are not subject to any legal or contractual retention requirements without being charged for this (right to erasure).
  4. d) You can always restrict your consent to data processing to certain areas (right to restriction).
  5. e) You can always object to data processing if the data are used to pursue the public interest or legitimate interests of the controller if there are reasons resulting from your particular situation (right to object).
  6. f) In case any of the data about you contain errors, you always have the right to rectification of these data (right to rectification).
  7. g) You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, common and machine-readable format or have those data transferred to a third party (right to data portability).

To make visiting our website user-friendly and to enable the use of certain functions, we use “cookies”. These are data which are stored on your end device. The technically necessary (required) cookies generally used by us are deleted again after the end of the browser session, i. e. after closing your browser (“session cookies”).

Cookies that are not technically necessary are only used with your consent. These remain on your end device and enable us to recognise your browser on your next visit (“persistent cookies”). We use such cookies for functional purposes such as the saved shopping cart. Functional cookies are not used by us for tracking purposes but exclusively for the realisation of functions.

If you allow all cookies, we also use tracking cookies for marketing and analysis purposes to optimise our portfolio and our searchability on the web. This type of cookie is also passed on to external service providers who can link them to a user profile to track your activities on the web. We select our service providers with due regard to compliance with data protection obligations. We have no influence on the functionality of your browser. However, you can usually set your browser so that you are informed about the use of cookies and then decide individually whether to accept them or to exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general.


Via our website, you can subscribe to our newsletter. If you have done so, your email address will be used to contact you personally, to send you invitations and information about new products, projects and events until you unsubscribe. We use a confirmation process when we set up your subscription. We will not send you any newsletter per email before you have confirmed your subscription. Your data is not transferred to third parties, with the exception of partner companies who are responsible for technical implementation of email delivery as requested by you. The data transferred to these companies are limited to the scope necessary for these purposes. In order to prevent third parties subscribing using your name, we are legally required to store the IP address and time of your newsletter confirmation. So as to continuously optimize content and technical implementation, we collect data relating to specific individuals, including data on email delivery, whether emails are marked as spam, opening and click rates for each recipient including precise times, and unsubscriptions. Clicked links (click map), country of origin and the devices and email clients that users use are analyzed in anonymized form. If you wish to end your subscription and stop receiving newsletters, you can cancel your newsletter subscription at any time with future effect. You simply need to send a message using the contact details below. There is also an unsubscribe link in every newsletter email.


We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. („Google“). Google uses Cookies. The information about the visitors‘ use of our online content generated by the cookie are normally transferred to a Google server in the USA where it is saved.

Google will use this information on our account in order to analyze the visitors‘ use of our online content, to compile reports about their activities within this online content and to provide further services to us which are related to the use of this online content and of the internet. When doing this, they may create pseudonymous user profiles about individual users, using the processed data.

We only use Google Analytics with an activated IP anonymization. This means that within the EU member states and other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the users‘ IP address will be shortened by Google. Only in exceptional cases, the full IP address will be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

The IP address transmitted by the user’s browser will not be combined with other data by Google. Users can avoid cookies from being saved via a setting in their browser software. Also, users can prevent that the data generated by the Cookie and related to their use of the online content are recorded, sent to Google and processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available when clicking on the following link:

Further information on Google’s data use for advertising purposes as well as possibilities regarding settings and objection can be found on Google’s websites: („How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services“), („How Google uses cookies in advertising“), („Control the information Google uses to show you ads“).


This website uses the map service Google Maps via an API. Google Maps is provided by Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. To be able to use the functions of Google Maps, it is necessary to save your IP address. These  information are normally transferred to a Google server in the USA where they are saved. The provider of this website cannot influence this data transfer.

More information on how user data are used can be found in Google’s privacy statement:






To embed videos etc., we use YouTube. YouTube is run by YouTube LLC with headquarters at 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube is represented by Google Ireland Ltd. with headquarters at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

On some of our web pages, we use YouTube plugins. When you visit web pages of our web presence which have such a plugin, e.g. our media library, a connection to the YouTube servers will be established and the plugin will be displayed. This means that the YouTube server will receive the information which of our web pages you have visited. If you are logged in on YouTube as a member, YouTube will assign this information to your personal user account. When you use the plugin, e.g. by clicking on the start button of a video, this information will also be assigned to your user account. You can avoid this by logging out of your YouTube user account as well as of other user accounts you may have with the companies YouTube LLC and Google Inc. and deleting the cookies related to these companies before use.

Further information on data processing and data protection by YouTube (Google) can be found here:


We make every effort to save your personal data in a way that they cannot be accessed by third parties, exhausting all technical and organizational possibilities we have. With regards to email communication, we cannot guarantee complete data security. Therefore, we recommend that you send us any confidential information through the post.

Our employees and the service providers working on our behalf are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to adhere to national regulations on data protection.


Any person affected by data processing has the right to file a complaint with your local supervisory authority for data protection or with the supervisory authority responsible for the operator of this website.

  2. Installation of Apps:

The mobile applications of AMET INSTRUMENTS are available via distribution platforms operated by third parties, so-called app stores [such as Google Play and Apple App Store]. The download and installation may require registration with the respective app store. AMET INSTRUMENTS has no influence on the collection, processing and use of personal data in connection with your registration and the provision of downloadable content in the respective app store and the app store software. The responsible party in this respect is solely the operator of the app stores. Please contact the respective app store directly for more information.


  1. Required permissions:

For proper functioning of the mobile application, it is necessary that you grant access to certain smartphone functions and personal data saved on the device.

Device memory

When using the mobile applications provided by AMET INSTRUMENTS, personal data and measurement data are saved to a local database and to the public folders of the file system of your smartphone in the form of PDF and Excel files. The collected data is not sent automatically. The user decides which data is sent and is responsible for the data sent.


For proper communication of the mobile application with the test instruments of AMET INSTRUMENTS, a Bluetooth or WiFi connection is required. For this purpose, it is necessary to grant the permissions for the user’s location. Access to the location is exclusively for searching for Bluetooth and WiFi devices in the immediate vicinity and for communicating and exchanging measurement data of the devices via the Bluetooth or WiFi interface.

Camera and microphone

When collecting measurement data, the user has the option of collecting further data in the form of pictures, videos or voice recordings. The resulting files are saved locally in the file system of the smartphone and are not sent automatically. The user is responsible for the retention, processing, use and distribution of the data.

  1. Overview of the access permissions granted:

The user has the possibility to view and revoke the granted access permissions at any time via the security settings of the smartphone. It should be noted that access to certain functional areas of the smartphone is necessary for the proper functioning of the mobile application.


  1. What data is collected when using the mobile applications of AMET INSTRUMENTS?

Company data

Name and surname of the contact person

Company name


Street address



Personal data


Last name


Street address

Company name

Email address

Telephone number

Device information about the meter

Serial number

Device name

Software version


MAC address

IP address

Measurement data

Measured values






Results from statistical evaluations

  1. Purpose and processing of the data collected:

The data collected in the course of use is used exclusively for the function of the mobile application. AMET INSTRUMENTS does not save, send or process any data that the user collects and saves in the course of using the mobile applications. Likewise, no data is passed on to third parties.


  1. Data collection for analysis and troubleshooting purposes:

AMET INSTRUMENTS analyses the usage data for the apps provided by Google Play and Apple App Store for needs-oriented further development and troubleshooting. The analyses are used exclusively for the further development and improvement of the apps offered. No data is collected or saved for this purpose.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be sent to

Person responsible for data processing

AMET Co., Ltd.

31 Soi Kosum Ruamjai 37, Yaek 2,

Don Muang, Bangkok 10210.


Phone +66 (2) 503 8900

Fax +66 (2) 981-0181


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